Student Financial Services

North Foundation Hall, Room 120
318 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester , MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-2550

Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Have your Grizzly ID ready

Summer Office Hours:
May 15 - June 30: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
July 1 - July 14: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
July 15 - August 18: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

OU school code: 002307

Student employment contact:

我们致力于确保您能够 access our website. 有关技术资源的协助,请联系OU Student Technology Center.


金融服务提供了各种各样的财政援助活动,提供给学生和他们的家庭谁希望了解更多关于财政援助的过程, completing the FAFSA, or evaluating financial aid awards.

Paying for College

鼓励学生和家庭参加现场网络研讨会或查看录制的演示文稿,以了解有关经济援助过程的一般信息. 主题包括经济援助的要素, 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA), private resources available, and more!

Register for a live 虚拟支付大学演讲 or watch the Paying for College video and access presentation resources:

FAFSA Workshops

我们鼓励学生在联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)发布后尽快完成申请, 从高中的最后一年开始,一直持续到他们的大学本科生涯, even into graduate education.

Virtual FAFSA workshops are available to allow multiple students and their parents (when applicable) to get help completing the FAFSA; private breakout rooms are utilized if you have a personal question or need to share your screen privately. 



After you submit your FAFSA, 重要的是要确保你通过以下方式继续关注你的经济援助过程:

Financial Aid Offer Evaluation

十大菠菜台子招收高中毕业生, 十大菠菜台子的本科生和研究生有机会评估和了解他们提供的经济援助.

OU Financial Aid Offer Workshop
This small group, 虚拟研讨会适用于新入学或目前就读于公开大学的本科生和研究生,他们需要帮助了解经济援助的授予过程, offers of financial aid, 并为你在十大菠菜台子每学期的财务准备采取必要的下一步措施. If you are a newly admitted student, 请在参加奥克兰研讨会之前激活您的OU帐户.edu/activate. 准备好访问你的邮箱和电子账单账户.


高中研讨会,帮助学生和他们的家人了解和评估学生可能从多所学院和大学获得的经济援助. Download the 财政援助报价评估工作表 并使用净价计算器或你考虑就读的每所学校提供的估计出勤费用. Visit the Net Price Calculator Center 找到每个学校NPC的链接. 问问你的高中辅导员,你们学校什么时候会为高年级学生举办研讨会!

New Student and Family Orientation
欢迎来到十大菠菜台子,新生和家庭! 下面是您在培训期间提供的演示文稿.
如果你对你的经济援助有任何疑问, eBill, or student employment, 请通过电话十大菠菜台子的顾问或致电办公室进行虚拟预约, 或者在周一至周五的营业时间步行上班.
Transfer Orientation

转学生被十大菠菜台子录取, 并且最近在您的学术部门注册了课程,我们鼓励您查看下面的演示,以了解十大菠菜台子财务援助流程的重要信息, how to obtain financial aid, eBill, direct deposit, student employment, and payment plan options.


Following the presentation, 我们鼓励您与我们办公室的顾问交谈,讨论您在OU财务流程的下一步中遇到的任何问题,并获得帮助. You can reach out advisers by phone, 打电话请求一个虚拟的约会, 或者走进我们的办公室亲自见面.